Automatically trimming an mp3 in PHP Automatically trimming an mp3 in PHP php php

Automatically trimming an mp3 in PHP

You could try the MP3 Class on PHPClasses. It features the following example:

require_once './class.mp3.php';$mp3 = new mp3;$mp3->cut_mp3('input.mp3', 'output.mp3', 0, -1, 'frame', false);

In this case, the 'frame' can be substituted with 'second' to base the cut on a time-frame.

I used PHP MP3 for my project.

<?php//Extract 30 seconds starting after 10 seconds.$path = 'path.mp3';$mp3 = new PHPMP3($path);$mp3_1 = $mp3->extract(10,30);$mp3_1->save('newpath.mp3');?>

For your case you can use extract(0,30) or extract(30,60).

I put together a script that outputs a 30 second clip of an MP3 file on the fly. If you're looking to save the file, one of the other options using a class/library will probably be best. But, if you just want to play/download the preview, on the fly might be better. It will definitely save you hard drive space.

Check it out at

Here's the code, but a deeper explanation can be found on my blog.

$getID3 = new getID3();$id3_info = $getID3->analyze($filename);list($t_min, $t_sec) = explode(':', $id3_info['playtime_string']);$time = ($t_min * 60) + $t_sec;$preview = $time / 30; // Preview time of 30 seconds$handle = fopen($filename, 'r');$content = fread($handle, filesize($filename));$length = strlen($content);if (!$session->IsLoggedIn()) {    $length = round(strlen($content) / $preview);    $content = substr($content, $length / 3 /* Start extraction ~10 seconds in */, $length);}header("Content-Type: {$id3_info['mime_type']}");header("Content-Length: {$length}");print $content;