Best way to implement Facebook PHP SDK into Yii Framework Best way to implement Facebook PHP SDK into Yii Framework php php

Best way to implement Facebook PHP SDK into Yii Framework

Ya. download Facebook SDK files and Keep it in protected/components/Facebook then edit your config/main.php with

'import'=>array(         //autoloading model and component classes     'application.models.*',    'application.components.*',    'application.components.Facebook.*',),

and add appid andsecret key in your param

'params'=>array(    'Facebook'=>array(          'appId' => '148966221932337',        'secret' => 'a52ce7b4a0cd5d517c6ada53fc77cde7',        'cookie' => true,    ),);

From you page you can call your Facebook SDK like this

$facebook = new Facebook(Yii::app()->params['Facebook']);$user_id = $facebook->getUser();

thank you.

I always try to store config variables in the DB. Especially if they involve a secret key. I would use Yii's crypt functionality and store it in the db. Then I would create model around retrieving config variables like that.

Secondly as far as the actual connection work and what have you, I would put that as a Component which extends CApplicationComponent, and either place the file in the extensions directory or the components directory. If you want to make it a true object. I think the helpers idea is a just a set a loose functions, mostly I use helpers for array and string work .

Kind of late, but I ended up downloading the Facebook SDK files with composer, autoloading those, and created a FacebookService extending CApplicationComponent that wraps the SDK.

So the main config is like

'facebookService'=>array(            'class' => 'FacebookService',            'appId' =>'xxxxxxxxxxx',            'appSecret' => 'xxxxxxxxxx',            'extendedAccessToken' => "xxxxxxxxxx",        ),

and you can use it like
