CakePHP Database connection "Mysql" is missing, or could not be created CakePHP Database connection "Mysql" is missing, or could not be created php php

CakePHP Database connection "Mysql" is missing, or could not be created

Try adding the socket:

'unix_socket' => '/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock',

An alternative to unix_socket (especially for OS X people) is to replace localhost with

Would be as Follows :

public $default = array(                'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql',                'persistent' => false,                'host' => '',                'login' => 'user',                'password' => 'password',                'database' => 'database-name',                'prefix' => '',                'encoding' => 'utf8',        );

Edit php.ini and add:


Then restart your web server