Call methods of objects in array using array_map? Call methods of objects in array using array_map? php php

Call methods of objects in array using array_map?

In PHP 5.3 you can do:

$props = array_map(function($obj){ return $obj->getProp(); }, $objs);

(see anonymous functions)

Of course this will still be slower than using a for loop as you have one function invocation per element but I think this comes closest to what you want.

Alternatively, which also works in prior to PHP 5.3 and might fit better to your style guidelines:

function map($obj) {    return $obj->getProp();}$props = array_map('map', $objs);

Or (again back to PHP 5.3) you could create a wrapper function like this (but this will be the slowest possibility I think):

function callMethod($method) {    return function($obj) use ($method) {        return $obj->{$method}();    };}$props = array_map(callMethod('getProp'), $objs);