Calling a function within a Class method? Calling a function within a Class method? php php

Calling a function within a Class method?

Try this one:

class test {     public function newTest(){          $this->bigTest();          $this->smallTest();     }     private function bigTest(){          //Big Test Here     }     private function smallTest(){          //Small Test Here     }     public function scoreTest(){          //Scoring code here;     }}$testObject = new test();$testObject->newTest();$testObject->scoreTest();

The sample you provided is not valid PHP and has a few issues:

public scoreTest() {    ...}

is not a proper function declaration -- you need to declare functions with the 'function' keyword.

The syntax should rather be:

public function scoreTest() {    ...}

Second, wrapping the bigTest() and smallTest() functions in public function() {} does not make them private — you should use the private keyword on both of these individually:

class test () {    public function newTest(){        $this->bigTest();        $this->smallTest();    }    private function bigTest(){        //Big Test Here    }    private function smallTest(){           //Small Test Here    }    public function scoreTest(){      //Scoring code here;    }}

Also, it is convention to capitalize class names in class declarations ('Test').

Hope that helps.

class test {    public newTest(){        $this->bigTest();        $this->smallTest();    }    private  function bigTest(){        //Big Test Here    }    private function smallTest(){       //Small Test Here    }    public scoreTest(){      //Scoring code here;    } }