Can't get "Syntastic" vim plugin to work Can't get "Syntastic" vim plugin to work php php

Can't get "Syntastic" vim plugin to work

Is pyflakes on your environment path? If it is not, then you must add it to your path, or modify syntax\checkers\python.vim and add the full path to the binary.There are two lines you have to modify:

if !(executable("pyflakes"))

and also

let makeprg = 'pyflakes %'

In my case. I wanted Syntastic to work with PHP on my Windows machine. So I had to modify those two similar lines in php.vim to be:

let s:php_executable = "C:\\Uniserver\\usr\\local\\php\\php.exe"if !(executable(s:php_executable))


let makeprg = php_executable . " -l %"

If your path contains spaces, you'll have to surround them in double quotes in the makeprg variable. Also with html.vim, the single quotes in makeprg must be replaced with double quotes, (you'll have to re-escape everything inside).

let s:libfolder = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\GnuWin32\\bin\\"let s:tidyexe = s:libfolder . "tidy.exe"let s:grepexe = s:libfolder . "grep.exe"if !executable(s:tidyexe) || !executable(s:grepexe)


let makeprg="\"".s:tidyexe."\" -e % 2>&1 \\| \"".s:grepexe."\" -v \"\<table\> lacks \\\"summary\\\" attribute\"" 

Have you tried to make sure Vim has the right value set for $PATH?

:echo $PATH

If not, try putting this in your .vimrc:

let $PATH=substitute(system("echo \$PATH"), "\r\*\n", "", "g")

Then shutdown and restart vim. If it works, you won't have to manually update the plugin's source files to manually include the path to the executables.

(found this via: )