Can't read new config variables in laravel 5.4 Can't read new config variables in laravel 5.4 php php

Can't read new config variables in laravel 5.4

Syntax you're using is correct, try to clear configuration cache by using this command:

php artisan config:clear

Whenever you change config you must clear old cache.

Laravel saves some common settings in cache e.g. config,packages and services in cache folder. If you face this kind of issue again with config or class not found issue in config/app.php etc then you should see your cached config file (/laravel_project/bootstrap/cache/config.php) to check if required thing is available or not.

Sometimes routes or views does not render changes when you are working on a virtualhost then you also need to clear the cache of that part.

To do so, we have to run multiple command like:

 php artisan cache:clear php artisan view:clear php artisan route:clear php artisan config:clear

But writing these commands daily is annoying thing. So I have created a package for it. install it and run:

php artisan clear:data

and it will run all above commands automatically.