Changing or eliminating Header & Footer in TCPDF Changing or eliminating Header & Footer in TCPDF php php

Changing or eliminating Header & Footer in TCPDF

Use the SetPrintHeader(false) and SetPrintFooter(false) methods before calling AddPage(). Like this:

$pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, 'LETTER', true, 'UTF-8', false);$pdf->SetPrintHeader(false);$pdf->SetPrintFooter(false);$pdf->AddPage();

A nice easy way to have control over when to show the header - or bits of the header - is by extending the TCPDF class and creating your own header function like so:

  class YourPDF extends TCPDF {        public function Header() {            if (count($this->pages) === 1) { // Do this only on the first page                $html .= '<p>Your header here</p>';            }            $this->writeHTML($html, true, false, false, false, '');        }    }

Naturally you can use this to return no content as well, if you'd prefer to have no header at all.

Here is an alternative way you can remove the Header and Footer:

// Remove the default header and footerclass PDF extends TCPDF {     public function Header() {     // No Header     }     public function Footer() {     // No Footer     } } $pdf = new PDF();