Check if request is GET or POST Check if request is GET or POST php php

Check if request is GET or POST

According to Laravels docs, there's a Request method to check it, so you could just do:

$method = Request::method();


if (Request::isMethod('post')){// }

The solutions above are outdated.

As per Laravel documentation:

$method = $request->method();if ($request->isMethod('post')) {    //}

I've solve my problem like below in laravel version: 7+

**In routes/web.php:**Route::post('url', YourController@yourMethod);**In app/Http/Controllers:**public function yourMethod(Request $request) {    switch ($request->method()) {        case 'POST':            // do anything in 'post request';            break;        case 'GET':            // do anything in 'get request';            break;        default:            // invalid request            break;    }}