Class Firebase\JWT\JWT not found Class Firebase\JWT\JWT not found php php

Class Firebase\JWT\JWT not found

As per the documentation, you need to include the autoloader.

E.g., in your php file:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

But... typically your vendor folder would be at the same level than your html folder (the one where you are serving content).


- Project root--- vendor--- html----- index.php

Then in your index.php you'd do:

 require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

It is nice that you trying to use composer and modules, but if I were you I'd try to read on a bit about php's autoloading features, so you understand what's going on, and how you can profit from them.

If not using composer for maintaining the structure. just remove

namespace Firebase\JWT;use \DomainException;use \InvalidArgumentException;use \UnexpectedValueException;use \DateTime;* * JSON Web Token implementation, based on this spec:* ** PHP version 5** @category Authentication* @package  Authentication_JWT* @author   Neuman Vong <>* @author   Anant Narayanan <>* @license 3-clause BSD* @link

form your JWT.php file. It works fine for me know.

I added only one line to your code to get my code to work:

require __DIR__ . '\vendor\autoload.php';use Firebase\JWT\JWT;/* the rest of your code after this */

I did not have to modify the jwt.php file at all.