Compare multidimensional arrays in PHP Compare multidimensional arrays in PHP php php

Compare multidimensional arrays in PHP

The simplest way I know:

$a == $b;

Note that you can also use the ===. The difference between them is:

  1. With Double equals ==, order is important:

    $a = array(0 => 'a', 1 => 'b');$b = array(1 => 'b', 0 => 'a');var_dump($a == $b);  // truevar_dump($a === $b); // false
  2. With Triple equals ===, types matter:

    $a = array(0, 1);$b = array('0', '1');var_dump($a == $b);  // truevar_dump($a === $b); // false

Reference: Array operators

Another way to do it is to serialize() both of the arrays and compare the strings.

This function will do it all for you.

You can use it to truly compare any 2 arrays of same or totally different structures.

It will return:

Values in array1 not in array2 (more)

Values in array2 not in array1 (less)

Values in array1 and in array2 but different (diff)

//results for array1 (when it is in more, it is in array1 and not in array2. same for less)function compare_multi_Arrays($array1, $array2){    $result = array("more"=>array(),"less"=>array(),"diff"=>array());    foreach($array1 as $k => $v) {      if(is_array($v) && isset($array2[$k]) && is_array($array2[$k])){        $sub_result = compare_multi_Arrays($v, $array2[$k]);        //merge results        foreach(array_keys($sub_result) as $key){          if(!empty($sub_result[$key])){            $result[$key] = array_merge_recursive($result[$key],array($k => $sub_result[$key]));          }        }      }else{        if(isset($array2[$k])){          if($v !== $array2[$k]){            $result["diff"][$k] = array("from"=>$v,"to"=>$array2[$k]);          }        }else{          $result["more"][$k] = $v;        }      }    }    foreach($array2 as $k => $v) {        if(!isset($array1[$k])){            $result["less"][$k] = $v;        }    }    return $result;}