Composer doesn't update outdated dependencies Composer doesn't update outdated dependencies php php

Composer doesn't update outdated dependencies

probably some dependency have fixed the package release you want to install. Try so the the output of the command to check who are using and at which version the package you listed:

composer why-not phpdocumentor/type-resolver 0.3.0

NB: in the current version of the documentation of composer the command is named prohibits, so in case this doesn't work try with:

composer prohibits phpdocumentor/type-resolver 0.3.0

Hope this help

You might have version constraints blocking the upgrade in your composer.json file. This is intended to prevent adding in breaking changes. In your example, the versions are pre-release (0.*), so versioning constraints even act on the miner version.

If you are confident there are no breaking changes or you are prepared to deal with them, edit your composer.json file. Change something like:

"phpdocumentor/type-resolver": "0.2.1",


"phpdocumentor/type-resolver": "^0.3",

Try composer upgrade again and test it out to make sure everything is ok.