Composer - The requested package exists as but these are rejected by your constraint Composer - The requested package exists as but these are rejected by your constraint php php

Composer - The requested package exists as but these are rejected by your constraint

The version constraint "1.0" is interpreted internally as "" version.

But the only version available is:


So you could change the specified version to either one of the following depending on what version is suitable for you:

  • 1.0.* (which is seen by composer as >= < -- probably won't work because there obviously aren't any versions in that package)
  • dev-master
  • dev-master#<hash>
  • @dev
  • etc.

See the composer schema for reference.

The comment by @Guillaume below this answer deserves a larger presentation.

It seems that composer wants a git release that has a v in it.

So it should be v1.1.0 and not 1.1.0.

I spent about 90 minutes looking at

mikeill/my_repo 3.3.10 requires composer/installers 1.0.*@dev -> satisfiable by composer/installers[1.0.x-dev, v1.0.0, ...] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.

And a lot of github issues as well as an SO post or two before finally discovering this thread.

I lost a significant amount of hair, time and sanity over this question for a while - it turned out that the problem in my case was that I was specifying a version in the composer.json within the package itself as "dev-master".

Refer to:

Where it states:

Note: Packagist uses VCS repositories, so the statement above is very much true for Packagist as well. Specifying the version yourself will most likely end up creating problems at some point due to human error.

(emphasis mine)

I removed this version element and it worked perfectly :)