Convert var_dump of array back to array variable Convert var_dump of array back to array variable php php

Convert var_dump of array back to array variable

var_export or serialize is what you're looking for. var_export will render a PHP parsable array syntax, and serialize will render a non-human readable but reversible "array to string" conversion...

Edit Alright, for the challenge:

Basically, I convert the output into a serialized string (and then unserialize it). I don't claim this to be perfect, but it appears to work on some pretty complex structures that I've tried...

function unvar_dump($str) {    if (strpos($str, "\n") === false) {        //Add new lines:        $regex = array(            '#(\\[.*?\\]=>)#',            '#(string\\(|int\\(|float\\(|array\\(|NULL|object\\(|})#',        );        $str = preg_replace($regex, "\n\\1", $str);        $str = trim($str);    }    $regex = array(        '#^\\040*NULL\\040*$#m',        '#^\\s*array\\((.*?)\\)\\s*{\\s*$#m',        '#^\\s*string\\((.*?)\\)\\s*(.*?)$#m',        '#^\\s*int\\((.*?)\\)\\s*$#m',        '#^\\s*bool\\(true\\)\\s*$#m',        '#^\\s*bool\\(false\\)\\s*$#m',        '#^\\s*float\\((.*?)\\)\\s*$#m',        '#^\\s*\[(\\d+)\\]\\s*=>\\s*$#m',        '#\\s*?\\r?\\n\\s*#m',    );    $replace = array(        'N',        'a:\\1:{',        's:\\1:\\2',        'i:\\1',        'b:1',        'b:0',        'd:\\1',        'i:\\1',        ';'    );    $serialized = preg_replace($regex, $replace, $str);    $func = create_function(        '$match',         'return "s:".strlen($match[1]).":\\"".$match[1]."\\"";'    );    $serialized = preg_replace_callback(        '#\\s*\\["(.*?)"\\]\\s*=>#',         $func,        $serialized    );    $func = create_function(        '$match',         'return "O:".strlen($match[1]).":\\"".$match[1]."\\":".$match[2].":{";'    );    $serialized = preg_replace_callback(        '#object\\((.*?)\\).*?\\((\\d+)\\)\\s*{\\s*;#',         $func,         $serialized    );    $serialized = preg_replace(        array('#};#', '#{;#'),         array('}', '{'),         $serialized    );    return unserialize($serialized);}

I tested it on a complex structure such as:

array(4) {  ["foo"]=>  string(8) "Foo"bar""  [0]=>  int(4)  [5]=>  float(43.2)  ["af"]=>  array(3) {    [0]=>    string(3) "123"    [1]=>    object(stdClass)#2 (2) {      ["bar"]=>      string(4) "bart"      ["foo"]=>      array(1) {        [0]=>        string(2) "re"      }    }    [2]=>    NULL  }}

There's no other way than manual parsing depending on the type.I didn't add support for objects, but it's very similar to the arrays one; you just need to do some reflection magic to populate not only public properties and to not trigger the constructor.

EDIT: Added support for objects... Reflection magic...

function unserializeDump($str, &$i = 0) {    $strtok = substr($str, $i);    switch ($type = strtok($strtok, "(")) { // get type, before first parenthesis         case "bool":             return strtok(")") === "true"?(bool) $i += 10:!$i += 11;         case "int":             $int = (int)substr($str, $i + 4);             $i += strlen($int) + 5;             return $int;         case "string":             $i += 11 + ($len = (int)substr($str, $i + 7)) + strlen($len);             return substr($str, $i - $len - 1, $len);         case "float":             return (float)($float = strtok(")")) + !$i += strlen($float) + 7;         case "NULL":             return NULL;         case "array":             $array = array();             $len = (int)substr($str, $i + 6);             $i = strpos($str, "\n", $i) - 1;             for ($entries = 0; $entries < $len; $entries++) {                 $i = strpos($str, "\n", $i);                 $indent = -1 - (int)$i + $i = strpos($str, "[", $i);                 // get key int/string                 if ($str[$i + 1] == '"') {                     // use longest possible sequence to avoid key and dump structure collisions                     $key = substr($str, $i + 2, - 2 - $i + $i = strpos($str, "\"]=>\n  ", $i));                 } else {                     $key = (int)substr($str, $i + 1);                     $i += strlen($key);                 }                 $i += $indent + 5; // jump line                 $array[$key] = unserializeDump($str, $i);             }             $i = strpos($str, "}", $i) + 1;             return $array;         case "object":             $reflection = new ReflectionClass(strtok(")"));             $object = $reflection->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();             $len = !strtok("(") + strtok(")");             $i = strpos($str, "\n", $i) - 1;             for ($entries = 0; $entries < $len; $entries++) {                 $i = strpos($str, "\n", $i);                 $indent = -1 - (int)$i + $i = strpos($str, "[", $i);                 // use longest possible sequence to avoid key and dump structure collisions                 $key = substr($str, $i + 2, - 2 - $i + $i = min(strpos($str, "\"]=>\n  ", $i)?:INF, strpos($str, "\":protected]=>\n  ", $i)?:INF, $priv = strpos($str, "\":\"", $i)?:INF));                 if ($priv == $i) {                     $ref = new ReflectionClass(substr($str, $i + 3, - 3 - $i + $i = strpos($str, "\":private]=>\n  ", $i)));                     $i += $indent + 13; // jump line                 } else {                     $i += $indent + ($str[$i+1] == ":"?15:5); // jump line                     $ref = $reflection;                 }                 $prop = $ref->getProperty($key);                 $prop->setAccessible(true);                 $prop->setValue($object, unserializeDump($str, $i));             }             $i = strpos($str, "}", $i) + 1;             return $object;    }    throw new Exception("Type not recognized...: $type");}

(Here are a lot of "magic" numbers when incrementing string position counter $i, mostly just string lengths of the keywords and some parenthesis etc.)

If you want to encode/decode an array like this, you should either use var_export(), which generates output in PHP's array for, for instance:

array(  1 => 'foo',  2 => 'bar')

could be the result of it. You would have to use eval() to get the array back, though, and that is a potentially dangerous way (especially since eval() really executes PHP code, so a simple code injection could make hackers able to gain control over your PHP script).

Some even better solutions are serialize(), which creates a serialized version of any array or object; and json_encode(), which encodes any array or object with the JSON format (which is more preferred for data exchange between different languages).