Disable or speed up DLTK indexing in Eclipse PDT? Disable or speed up DLTK indexing in Eclipse PDT? php php

Disable or speed up DLTK indexing in Eclipse PDT?

PDT 2.2 (the one in Helios) is using a local database engine, H2, to store information. I wrote a post highlighting how to improve the performance of the new indexer.

There might be another way, but it's requires hacking and I haven't tried it myself since the early builds of PDT 2.2 so YMMV: use a newer version of H2. You see, PDT 2.2 uses H2 version 1.1.117. The current version is 1.2.140. Basically, it involves downloading a newer version from the h2 site, and replacing the current H2 JAR in the plugins folder with this Jar. I should really write a blog post about it. I just need to find some time...

I also have/had this problem and turned off "Build Automatically" in the projects menu.Which seems to have resolved the problem for me...

So question is, and please excuse my ignorance here... but what is "Build" required for in PHP world.

There are some issue currently being worked out with the dltk.core.index process:

See bug 319130 from yesterday (August 4th).