DOMDocument remove script tags from HTML source DOMDocument remove script tags from HTML source php php

DOMDocument remove script tags from HTML source

Your error is actually trivial. A DOMNode object (and all its descendants - DOMElement, DOMNodeList and a few others!) is automatically updated when its parent element changes, most notably when its number of children change. This is written on a couple of lines in the PHP doc, but is mostly swept under the carpet.

If you loop using ($k instanceof DOMNode)->length, and subsequently remove elements from the nodes, you'll notice that the length property actually changes! I had to write my own library to counteract this and a few other quirks.

The solution:

if($dom->loadHTML($result)){    while (($r = $dom->getElementsByTagName("script")) && $r->length) {            $r->item(0)->parentNode->removeChild($r->item(0));    }echo $dom->saveHTML();

I'm not actually looping - just popping the first element one at a time. The result:

To avoid that you get the surprises of a live node list -- that gets shorter as you delete nodes -- you could work with a copy into an array using iterator_to_array:

foreach(iterator_to_array($dom->getElementsByTagName($tag)) as $node) {    $node->parentNode->removeChild($node);};