DOMXpath - Get href attribute and text value of an a element DOMXpath - Get href attribute and text value of an a element php php

DOMXpath - Get href attribute and text value of an a element



and then pluck the text with nodeValue and the attribute with getAttribute('href').

Apart from that, you can combine Xpath queries with the Union Operator | so you can use


as well.

To reduce the code to a single loop, try:

$anchors = $domXpath->query("//td[@class='name']/a");foreach($anchors as $a){     print $a->nodeValue." - ".$a->getAttribute("href")."<br/>";}

As per above :) Too slow ..

Simplest way, evaluate is for this task!

The simplest way to obtain a value is by evaluate() method:

$xp = new DOMXPath($dom);$v = $xp->evaluate("string(/etc[1]/@stringValue)");

Note: important to limit XPath returns to 1 item (the first a in this case), and cast the value with string() or round(), etc.

So, in a set of multiple items, using your foreach code,

 $names = $domXpath->query("//td[@class='name']/"); foreach($names as $contextNode) {    $text = $domXpath->evaluate("string(./a[1])",$contextNode);    $href = $domXpath->evaluate("string(./a[1]/@href)",$contextNode); }

PS: this example is only for evaluate's illustration... When the information already exists at the node, use what offers best performance, as methods getAttribute(), saveXML(), etc. and properties as $nodeValue, $textContent, etc. supplied by DOMNode.
See @Gordon's answer for this particular problem.
The XPath subquery (at context) is good for complex cases — or symplify your code, avoiding to check hasChildNodes() + loop for $childNodes, etc. with no significative gain in performance.