Embeddable Google Analytics "Flair"? Embeddable Google Analytics "Flair"? php php

Embeddable Google Analytics "Flair"?

GAPI sound like what you need.

GAPI (said 'g,a,p,i') is the Google Analytics PHP5 Interface.


use it as follows:

$ga = new gapi('email@yourdomain.com','password');$ga->requestReportData(145141242,array('browser','browserVersion'),array('pageviews','visits'));foreach($ga->getResults() as $result){  echo '<strong>'.$result.'</strong><br />';  echo 'Pageviews: ' . $result->getPageviews() . ' ';  echo 'Visits: ' . $result->getVisits() . '<br />';}echo '<p>Total pageviews: ' . $ga->getPageviews() . ' total visits: ' . $ga->getVisits() . '</p>';

These are Joomla modules with php source:

  • jLabs Google Analytics Counter:"This simple Google Analytics Counter is based on the WebResourcesDepot tutorial with the same title. And it's converted to Joomla module just for our lovely community. This counter already equipped with various color of badge styles similar with a FeedBurner's subcription counter or a Twitter Follower counter as seen in the top blog sites."

  • GAnalytics: "GAnalytics is a complete suite which brings your google analytics data in form of charts or lists to your joomla powered web site"

The first one is based in this framework independent tutorial:

  • FeedCount-Like Google Analytics Counter: "We'll be creating a dynamic FeedCount-like interface that can display your website's statistics like pageviews, visits, etc. (one or all of them) using PHP"

Which displays something like this:
ga counter http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/956/gacnt.png

I have developed a 3rd party service called embeddedanalytics. Uses the API. You can define charts of all sorts, geographical heat maps, and we have a simple widget giving key indicators for the month (visits, pageviews, bounce rate, etc).

This is an ideal service for someone not wanting to get into the programming aspects of the API. Simply define your chart and embed a snippet of code where you want the chart/object to show.