Exuberant Ctags on Mac Exuberant Ctags on Mac php php

Exuberant Ctags on Mac

For a more friendly way to do this instead of using mac-ports or homebrew and running the risk of causing errors download ctags from here and compile with xcode (starting with version 4.3 command line tools are not installed by default but rather through Preferences -> Downloads) then simply move the compiled ctags to /usr/bin/ctags-exuberant to preserve the original.

Commands Used:

Change Directory to Downloads and ctags directory:

$cd Down<tab>ctags<tab>





Move to /usr/bin:

$sudo mv ctags /usr/bin/ctags-exuberant

NOTE: <tab> is equal to pressing the tab key.
NOTE: XCode can now be downloaded from the Apple App Store!

Very useful for getting Tagbar for vim to work! Tagbar is available here.