Facebook login in laravel 5.2 can't hold the session after redirect Facebook login in laravel 5.2 can't hold the session after redirect php php

Facebook login in laravel 5.2 can't hold the session after redirect

After digging very deep in laravel i finally found what i was doing wrong. And i am posting may be it help some in future.

Important thing :- Laravel save session very last in its request life-cycle. It saves session it sends header response. So if we echo something in controller class then it will send header response without doing saving session and our session will not save. In my case i use dump function in my controller which terminate the laravel default life-cycle and forcefully send header response to browser. that's why all of session data is lost. i remove dump() form my code and everything start working correctly

According to API documentation https://laravel.com/api/5.2/Illuminate/Auth/Guard.html you should call user() method to get the currently authenticated user. So i would suggest that instead of Auth::guard() use Auth::user($user).

try to use plugin socialite for login with facebook socialite

Facebook php sdk use $_SESSION.In laravel you cannot access this variable,laravel use personal class for session.