ffmpeg get value from cropdetect ffmpeg get value from cropdetect php php

ffmpeg get value from cropdetect

cropdetect outputs to the console, so you can parse the output and then use it as a variable:

ffmpeg -i input -t 1 -vf cropdetect -f null - 2>&1 | awk '/crop/ { print $NF }' | tail -1

This will result in something like:


Then run your actual crop command:

ffmpeg -i input -vf $cropvalue,scale=240:-1 -vframes 1 -qscale:v 2 output.jpg
  • -vcodec mjpeg, -an, and -f rawvideo are superfluous

  • Use -qscale:v to control jpg output quality. A sane range is 2-5 (a lower value is a higher quality).

  • Use the scale filter instead of -s; especially if you're already using filters. Also the scale filter will allow you to set a specific width or height and with -1 it will automatically provide the correct value to preserve aspect. Otherwise if you try to force a specific size you can risk a squished or stretched output.

Obviously I'm not a PHP coder, but this should give you an idea at least.