Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays php php

Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays

Here's a solution I wouldn't be ashamed to show.


Assume that we have an input array $input with N sub-arrays, as in your example. Each sub-array has Cn items, where n is its index inside $input, and its key is Kn. I will refer to the ith item of the nth sub-array as Vn,i.

The algorithm below can be proved to work (barring bugs) by induction:

1) For N = 1, the cartesian product is simply array(0 => array(K1 => V1,1), 1 => array(K1 => V1,2), ... ) -- C1 items in total. This can be done with a simple foreach.

2) Assume that $result already holds the cartesian product of the first N-1 sub-arrays. The cartesian product of $result and the Nth sub-array can be produced this way:

3) In each item (array) inside $product, add the value KN => VN,1. Remember the resulting item (with the added value); I 'll refer to it as $item.

4a) For each array inside $product:

4b) For each value in the set VN,2 ... VN,CN, add to $product a copy of $item, but change the value with the key KN to VN,m (for all 2 <= m <= CN).

The two iterations 4a (over $product) and 4b (over the Nth input sub-array) ends up with $result having CN items for every item it had before the iterations, so in the end $result indeed contains the cartesian product of the first N sub arrays.

Therefore the algorithm will work for any N.

This was harder to write than it should have been. My formal proofs are definitely getting rusty...


function cartesian($input) {    $result = array();    while (list($key, $values) = each($input)) {        // If a sub-array is empty, it doesn't affect the cartesian product        if (empty($values)) {            continue;        }        // Seeding the product array with the values from the first sub-array        if (empty($result)) {            foreach($values as $value) {                $result[] = array($key => $value);            }        }        else {            // Second and subsequent input sub-arrays work like this:            //   1. In each existing array inside $product, add an item with            //      key == $key and value == first item in input sub-array            //   2. Then, for each remaining item in current input sub-array,            //      add a copy of each existing array inside $product with            //      key == $key and value == first item of input sub-array            // Store all items to be added to $product here; adding them            // inside the foreach will result in an infinite loop            $append = array();            foreach($result as &$product) {                // Do step 1 above. array_shift is not the most efficient, but                // it allows us to iterate over the rest of the items with a                // simple foreach, making the code short and easy to read.                $product[$key] = array_shift($values);                // $product is by reference (that's why the key we added above                // will appear in the end result), so make a copy of it here                $copy = $product;                // Do step 2 above.                foreach($values as $item) {                    $copy[$key] = $item;                    $append[] = $copy;                }                // Undo the side effecst of array_shift                array_unshift($values, $product[$key]);            }            // Out of the foreach, we can add to $results now            $result = array_merge($result, $append);        }    }    return $result;}


$input = array(    'arm' => array('A', 'B', 'C'),    'gender' => array('Female', 'Male'),    'location' => array('Vancouver', 'Calgary'),);print_r(cartesian($input));

Here is optimized version of @Jon's cartesian function:

function cartesian($input) {    $result = array(array());    foreach ($input as $key => $values) {        $append = array();        foreach($result as $product) {            foreach($values as $item) {                $product[$key] = $item;                $append[] = $product;            }        }        $result = $append;    }    return $result;}

Read more about the math behind this algorithm:

See more examples of this algorithm in different languages:

In PHP 7 @Serg's answer can be shortened to:

function cartesian(array $input){    $result = [[]];    foreach ($input as $key => $values) {        $append = [];        foreach ($values as $value) {            foreach ($result as $data) {                $append[] = $data + [$key => $value];            }        }        $result = $append;    }    return $result;}