finding shortest path up to ten degrees of separation finding shortest path up to ten degrees of separation php php

finding shortest path up to ten degrees of separation

I'm not sure what your second select in the query would return but here's a way to get the degrees of separation between actors:

Let's say we have a table of actor ids, Origin. In order to get all the actors that have played in the same movie as one of the actors in our table, we need to start with Origin, join with Acting and then Movie in order to get all the movies that our origin actors have played in, and then join with Acting again and the Actor table to get what we want. Notice that the Acting table appears two times. If we apply this to the recursive CTE and your question, noting that the Origin table would be Cte in your example, we get the following:

WITH RECURSIVE cte(id, distance) AS (    SELECT, 0     FROM actor    WHERE = 'Tom Cruise'    UNION    SELECT DISTINCT, cte.distance + 1    FROM cte    JOIN acting AS acting1 ON ( = acting1.actor_id)    JOIN movie ON (acting1.movie_id =    JOIN acting AS acting2 ON ( = acting2.movie_id)    JOIN actor ON (acting2.actor_id =    WHERE <> AND cte.distance + 1 <= 10)

After this, the cte table will contain tuples of the type (id, dist), meaning that there exists a path from Tom Cruise to the actor with this id and with a distance of dist.

The DISTINCT is for efficiency reasons. There will be a lot of bad pairs in our Cte table (with the second value being larger than the true distance), especially if the actor graph is dense, but the correct tuple will be in the Cte table. By correct tuple I mean a tuple (actor, distance), such that distance is the shortest path between the starting actor (Tom Cruise, for instance) and this actor.

Edit: My bad, UNION does this already, so DISTINCT isn't needed for duplicates.

In order to get that distance, we add a select with a group by clause:

WITH RECURSIVE cte(id, distance) AS (    SELECT, 0     FROM actor    WHERE = 'Tom Cruise'    UNION    SELECT, cte.distance + 1    FROM cte    JOIN acting AS acting1 ON ( = acting1.actor_id)    JOIN movie ON (acting1.movie_id =    JOIN acting AS acting2 ON ( = acting2.movie_id)    JOIN actor ON (acting2.actor_id =    WHERE <> AND cte.distance + 1 <= 10)SELECT id, MIN(distance) AS distanceFROM cteGROUP BY idORDER BY 2 ASC;

If you'd want to see the result for a given second actor, say Robert Downey Jr, then this would give you the answer regarding the degrees of separation:

WITH RECURSIVE cte(id, distance) AS (    SELECT, 0     FROM actor    WHERE = 'Tom Cruise'    UNION    SELECT, cte.distance + 1    FROM cte    JOIN acting AS acting1 ON ( = acting1.actor_id)    JOIN movie ON (acting1.movie_id =    JOIN acting AS acting2 ON ( = acting2.movie_id)    JOIN actor ON (acting2.actor_id =    WHERE <> AND cte.distance + 1 <= 10), distance_table (id, distance) AS (    SELECT id, MIN(distance) AS distance    FROM cte    GROUP BY id)SELECT 'Tom Cruise and ' || || ' are separated by ' ||       COALESCE(TO_CHAR(distance_table.distance, '999999'), 'more than 10') || ' degrees of separation'FROM actorLEFT JOIN distance_table ON ( = = 'Robert Downey Jr';

Although I don't think you'd generally want to compute this kind of information directly from the database, if you wanted to have a message telling the path between the actors, like the one you provided (Tom Cruise was in Days of Thunder with Robert Duvall -> Robert Duvall was in Lucky You with Robert Downey Jr.), then something like this could return that:

WITH RECURSIVE cte(id, name, distance, message) AS (    SELECT,, 0, ''    FROM actor    WHERE = 'Tom Cruise'    UNION    SELECT,, cte.distance + 1,            cte.message || '> ' || || ' was in ' ||           movie.title || ' with ' || || ' '    FROM cte    JOIN acting AS acting1 ON ( = acting1.actor_id)    JOIN movie ON (acting1.movie_id =    JOIN acting AS acting2 ON ( = acting2.movie_id)    JOIN actor ON (acting2.actor_id =    WHERE <> AND cte.distance + 1 <= 10), distance_table (id, distance) AS (    SELECT id, MIN(distance) AS distance    FROM cte    GROUP BY id)SELECT id, name, message, distanceFROM cteWHERE (id, distance) IN (SELECT * FROM distance_table)ORDER BY distance;

Here's a stab at it (without CTEs). I happened to have a list of 4175 US city-state pairs. (Think state==movie and city==actor.)

Here's the setup from the table us:

SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS p_mapping;  -- state-city pairs (movie-actor)CREATE TABLE p_mapping (    state char(2) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL,    city varchar(255)  CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci  NOT NULL,    PRIMARY KEY(state, city),    INDEX(city, state)) ENGINE=InnoDB;INSERT INTO p_mapping (state, city)    SELECT state, city  FROM us;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS p_cities;  -- city ~= actorCREATE TABLE p_cities (    depth TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,    from_state  char(2)  CHARACTER SET ascii  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',    city  VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,    PRIMARY KEY(city)) ENGINE=InnoDB COMMENT 'SO 55717636';INSERT INTO p_cities (city)    SELECT DISTINCT city  FROM p_mapping;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS p_states;  -- state ~= movieCREATE TABLE p_states (    depth TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,    from_city  VARCHAR(255)  CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci  NOT NULL  DEFAULT '',    state char(2)  CHARACTER SET ascii  NOT NULL,    PRIMARY KEY(state)) ENGINE=InnoDB COMMENT 'SO 55717636';INSERT INTO p_states (state)    SELECT DISTINCT state  FROM p_mapping;

-- I picked the goal of linking Omaha (only in Nebraska) to Birmingham (in multiple states.) First some initialization:

SET @city := 'Omaha';   -- starting hereUPDATE p_cities    SET depth = 1    WHERE city = @city;UPDATE p_states  AS s  JOIN p_mapping AS m  USING(state)    SET s.from_city = @city,        s.depth = 1    WHERE = @city;SET @depth := 1;

-- Then repeat the following 10 times or until rows_affected drops to 0. It stopped after 3 iterations.

UPDATE  p_cities AS c   JOIN p_mapping AS m  USING(city)   JOIN p_states  AS s  USING(state)    SET c.from_state = m.state,        c.depth = s.depth + 1    WHERE s.depth = @depth      AND c.depth = 0;SET @depth := @depth + 1;UPDATE  p_states AS s   JOIN p_mapping AS m  USING(state)   JOIN p_cities AS c   USING(city)    SET s.from_city =,        s.depth = c.depth    WHERE c.depth = @depth      AND s.depth = 0;

-- end loop (and end of algorithm)

-- A correct path: Omaha -> NE -> Columbus -> OH -> Athens -> AL -> Birmingham-- Notice how this lists the answer (but vertically):

SELECT * FROM p_cities    WHERE city in ('Omaha', 'Columbus', 'Athens', 'Birmingham')    ORDER BY depth;            +-------+------------+------------+    | depth | from_state | city       |    +-------+------------+------------+    |     1 |            | Omaha      |    |     2 | NE         | Columbus   |    |     3 | OH         | Athens     |    |     4 | AL         | Birmingham |    +-------+------------+------------+    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- 'Proof' that the links work for the answer below:

SELECT * FROM p_mapping    WHERE city IN ('Omaha', 'Columbus', 'Athens', 'Birmingham')      AND state IN ('NE', 'OH', 'TN', 'AL');    +-------+------------+    | state | city       |    +-------+------------+    | AL    | Athens     |    | OH    | Athens     |    | TN    | Athens     |    | AL    | Birmingham |    | NE    | Columbus   |    | OH    | Columbus   |    | NE    | Omaha      |    +-------+------------+    7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- (The other table)

SELECT * FROM p_states    WHERE from_city IN ('Omaha', 'Columbus', 'Athens', 'Birmingham')       OR state IN ('NE', 'OH', 'TN', 'AL')    ORDER BY depth;    +-------+-----------+-------+    | depth | from_city | state |    +-------+-----------+-------+    |     1 | Omaha     | NE    |    |     2 | Columbus  | GA    |    |     2 | Columbus  | IN    |    |     2 | Columbus  | MS    |    |     2 | Columbus  | OH    |    |     3 | Athens    | AL    |    |     3 | Athens    | TN    |    +-------+-----------+-------+    7 rows in set (0.00 sec)