FosuserBundle ( The path "fos_user.from_email.address" cannot contain an empty value, but got null. ) FosuserBundle ( The path "fos_user.from_email.address" cannot contain an empty value, but got null. ) php php

FosuserBundle ( The path "fos_user.from_email.address" cannot contain an empty value, but got null. )

The problem is with your parameters.yml file:

parameters:    ...    mailer_user: null    mailer_password: null

Change that to something then you won't get the error.

The FOSUserBundle has built-in support for sending emails in two different instances.

These values cannot be null, so if you try to set the value of these properties either with "" or ~, the problem will persist.Give values other than null. It will work.

# /app/config.ymlfos_user:    from_email:        address: ""        sender_name: "Test App"