Generate Random Numbers with Probabilistic Distribution Generate Random Numbers with Probabilistic Distribution php php

Generate Random Numbers with Probabilistic Distribution

Look at distributions used in reliability analysis - they tend to have these long tails. A relatively simply possibility is the Weibull distribution with P(X>x)=exp[-(x/b)^a].

Fitting your values as P(X>1)=0.1 and P(X>10)=0.005, I get a=0.36 and b=0.1. This would imply that P(X>40)*10000=1.6, which is a bit too low, but P(X>70)*10000=0.2 which is reasonable.

EDITOh, and to generate a Weibull-distributed random variable from a uniform(0,1) value U, just calculate b*[-log(1-u)]^(1/a). This is the inverse function of 1-P(X>x) in case I miscalculated something.

Written years ago for PHP4, simply pick your distribution:

<?phpdefine( 'RandomGaussian',           'gaussian' ) ;          //  gaussianWeightedRandom()define( 'RandomBell',               'bell' ) ;              //  bellWeightedRandom()define( 'RandomGaussianRising',     'gaussianRising' ) ;    //  gaussianWeightedRisingRandom()define( 'RandomGaussianFalling',    'gaussianFalling' ) ;   //  gaussianWeightedFallingRandom()define( 'RandomGamma',              'gamma' ) ;             //  gammaWeightedRandom()define( 'RandomGammaQaD',           'gammaQaD' ) ;          //  QaDgammaWeightedRandom()define( 'RandomLogarithmic10',      'log10' ) ;             //  logarithmic10WeightedRandom()define( 'RandomLogarithmic',        'log' ) ;               //  logarithmicWeightedRandom()define( 'RandomPoisson',            'poisson' ) ;           //  poissonWeightedRandom()define( 'RandomDome',               'dome' ) ;              //  domeWeightedRandom()define( 'RandomSaw',                'saw' ) ;               //  sawWeightedRandom()define( 'RandomPyramid',            'pyramid' ) ;           //  pyramidWeightedRandom()define( 'RandomLinear',             'linear' ) ;            //  linearWeightedRandom()define( 'RandomUnweighted',         'non' ) ;               //  nonWeightedRandom()function mkseed(){    srand(hexdec(substr(md5(microtime()), -8)) & 0x7fffffff) ;}   //  function mkseed()/*function factorial($in) {    if ($in == 1) {        return $in ;    }    return ($in * factorial($in - 1.0)) ;}   //  function factorial()function factorial($in) {    $out = 1 ;    for ($i = 2; $i <= $in; $i++) {        $out *= $i ;    }    return $out ;}   //  function factorial()*/function random_0_1(){    //  returns random number using mt_rand() with a flat distribution from 0 to 1 inclusive    //    return (float) mt_rand() / (float) mt_getrandmax() ;}   //  random_0_1()function random_PN(){    //  returns random number using mt_rand() with a flat distribution from -1 to 1 inclusive    //    return (2.0 * random_0_1()) - 1.0 ;}   //  function random_PN()function gauss(){    static $useExists = false ;    static $useValue ;    if ($useExists) {        //  Use value from a previous call to this function        //        $useExists = false ;        return $useValue ;    } else {        //  Polar form of the Box-Muller transformation        //        $w = 2.0 ;        while (($w >= 1.0) || ($w == 0.0)) {            $x = random_PN() ;            $y = random_PN() ;            $w = ($x * $x) + ($y * $y) ;        }        $w = sqrt((-2.0 * log($w)) / $w) ;        //  Set value for next call to this function        //        $useValue = $y * $w ;        $useExists = true ;        return $x * $w ;    }}   //  function gauss()function gauss_ms( $mean,                   $stddev ){    //  Adjust our gaussian random to fit the mean and standard deviation    //  The division by 4 is an arbitrary value to help fit the distribution    //      within our required range, and gives a best fit for $stddev = 1.0    //    return gauss() * ($stddev/4) + $mean;}   //  function gauss_ms()function gaussianWeightedRandom( $LowValue,                                 $maxRand,                                 $mean=0.0,                                 $stddev=2.0 ){    //  Adjust a gaussian random value to fit within our specified range    //      by 'trimming' the extreme values as the distribution curve    //      approaches +/- infinity    $rand_val = $LowValue + $maxRand ;    while (($rand_val < $LowValue) || ($rand_val >= ($LowValue + $maxRand))) {        $rand_val = floor(gauss_ms($mean,$stddev) * $maxRand) + $LowValue ;        $rand_val = ($rand_val + $maxRand) / 2 ;    }    return $rand_val ;}   //  function gaussianWeightedRandom()function bellWeightedRandom( $LowValue,                             $maxRand ){    return gaussianWeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand, 0.0, 1.0 ) ;}   //  function bellWeightedRandom()function gaussianWeightedRisingRandom( $LowValue,                                       $maxRand ){    //  Adjust a gaussian random value to fit within our specified range    //      by 'trimming' the extreme values as the distribution curve    //      approaches +/- infinity    //  The division by 4 is an arbitrary value to help fit the distribution    //      within our required range    $rand_val = $LowValue + $maxRand ;    while (($rand_val < $LowValue) || ($rand_val >= ($LowValue + $maxRand))) {        $rand_val = $maxRand - round((abs(gauss()) / 4) * $maxRand) + $LowValue ;    }    return $rand_val ;}   //  function gaussianWeightedRisingRandom()function gaussianWeightedFallingRandom( $LowValue,                                        $maxRand ){    //  Adjust a gaussian random value to fit within our specified range    //      by 'trimming' the extreme values as the distribution curve    //      approaches +/- infinity    //  The division by 4 is an arbitrary value to help fit the distribution    //      within our required range    $rand_val = $LowValue + $maxRand ;    while (($rand_val < $LowValue) || ($rand_val >= ($LowValue + $maxRand))) {        $rand_val = floor((abs(gauss()) / 4) * $maxRand) + $LowValue ;    }    return $rand_val ;}   //  function gaussianWeightedFallingRandom()function logarithmic($mean=1.0, $lambda=5.0){    return ($mean * -log(random_0_1())) / $lambda ;}   //  function logarithmic()function logarithmicWeightedRandom( $LowValue,                                    $maxRand ){    do {        $rand_val = logarithmic() ;    } while ($rand_val > 1) ;    return floor($rand_val * $maxRand) + $LowValue ;}   //  function logarithmicWeightedRandom()function logarithmic10( $lambda=0.5 ){    return abs(-log10(random_0_1()) / $lambda) ;}   //  function logarithmic10()function logarithmic10WeightedRandom( $LowValue,                                      $maxRand ){    do {        $rand_val = logarithmic10() ;    } while ($rand_val > 1) ;    return floor($rand_val * $maxRand) + $LowValue ;}   //  function logarithmic10WeightedRandom()function gamma( $lambda=3.0 ){    $wLambda = $lambda + 1.0 ;    if ($lambda <= 8.0) {        //  Use direct method, adding waiting times        $x = 1.0 ;        for ($j = 1; $j <= $wLambda; $j++) {            $x *= random_0_1() ;        }        $x = -log($x) ;    } else {        //  Use rejection method        do {            do {                //  Generate the tangent of a random angle, the equivalent of                //      $y = tan(pi * random_0_1())                do {                    $v1 = random_0_1() ;                    $v2 = random_PN() ;                } while (($v1 * $v1 + $v2 * $v2) > 1.0) ;                $y = $v2 / $v1 ;                $s = sqrt(2.0 * $lambda + 1.0) ;                $x = $s * $y + $lambda ;            //  Reject in the region of zero probability            } while ($x <= 0.0) ;            //  Ratio of probability function to comparison function            $e = (1.0 + $y * $y) * exp($lambda * log($x / $lambda) - $s * $y) ;        //  Reject on the basis of a second uniform deviate        } while (random_0_1() > $e) ;    }    return $x ;}   //  function gamma()function gammaWeightedRandom( $LowValue,                              $maxRand ){    do {        $rand_val = gamma() / 12 ;    } while ($rand_val > 1) ;    return floor($rand_val * $maxRand) + $LowValue ;}   //  function gammaWeightedRandom()function QaDgammaWeightedRandom( $LowValue,                                 $maxRand ){    return round((asin(random_0_1()) + (asin(random_0_1()))) * $maxRand / pi()) + $LowValue ;}   //  function QaDgammaWeightedRandom()function gammaln($in){    $tmp = $in + 4.5 ;    $tmp -= ($in - 0.5) * log($tmp) ;    $ser = 1.000000000190015            + (76.18009172947146 / $in)            - (86.50532032941677 / ($in + 1.0))            + (24.01409824083091 / ($in + 2.0))            - (1.231739572450155 / ($in + 3.0))            + (0.1208650973866179e-2 / ($in + 4.0))            - (0.5395239384953e-5 / ($in + 5.0)) ;    return (log(2.5066282746310005 * $ser) - $tmp) ;}   //  function gammaln()function poisson( $lambda=1.0 ){    static $oldLambda ;    static $g, $sq, $alxm ;    if ($lambda <= 12.0) {        //  Use direct method        if ($lambda <> $oldLambda) {            $oldLambda = $lambda ;            $g = exp(-$lambda) ;        }        $x = -1 ;        $t = 1.0 ;        do {            ++$x ;            $t *= random_0_1() ;        } while ($t > $g) ;    } else {        //  Use rejection method        if ($lambda <> $oldLambda) {            $oldLambda = $lambda ;            $sq = sqrt(2.0 * $lambda) ;            $alxm = log($lambda) ;            $g = $lambda * $alxm - gammaln($lambda + 1.0) ;        }        do {            do {                //  $y is a deviate from a Lorentzian comparison function                $y = tan(pi() * random_0_1()) ;                $x = $sq * $y + $lambda ;            //  Reject if close to zero probability            } while ($x < 0.0) ;            $x = floor($x) ;            //  Ratio of the desired distribution to the comparison function            //  We accept or reject by comparing it to another uniform deviate            //  The factor 0.9 is used so that $t never exceeds 1            $t = 0.9 * (1.0 + $y * $y) * exp($x * $alxm - gammaln($x + 1.0) - $g) ;        } while (random_0_1() > $t) ;    }    return $x ;}   //  function poisson()function poissonWeightedRandom( $LowValue,                                $maxRand ){    do {        $rand_val = poisson() / $maxRand ;    } while ($rand_val > 1) ;    return floor($x * $maxRand) + $LowValue ;}   //  function poissonWeightedRandom()function binomial( $lambda=6.0 ){}function domeWeightedRandom( $LowValue,                             $maxRand ){    return floor(sin(random_0_1() * (pi() / 2)) * $maxRand) + $LowValue ;}   //  function bellWeightedRandom()function sawWeightedRandom( $LowValue,                            $maxRand ){    return floor((atan(random_0_1()) + atan(random_0_1())) * $maxRand / (pi()/2)) + $LowValue ;}   //  function sawWeightedRandom()function pyramidWeightedRandom( $LowValue,                               $maxRand ){    return floor((random_0_1() + random_0_1()) / 2 * $maxRand) + $LowValue ;}   //  function pyramidWeightedRandom()function linearWeightedRandom( $LowValue,                               $maxRand ){    return floor(random_0_1() * ($maxRand)) + $LowValue ;}   //  function linearWeightedRandom()function nonWeightedRandom( $LowValue,                            $maxRand ){    return rand($LowValue,$maxRand+$LowValue-1) ;}   //  function nonWeightedRandom()function weightedRandom( $Method,                         $LowValue,                         $maxRand ){    switch($Method) {        case RandomGaussian         :            $rVal = gaussianWeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        case RandomBell             :            $rVal = bellWeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        case RandomGaussianRising   :            $rVal = gaussianWeightedRisingRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        case RandomGaussianFalling  :            $rVal = gaussianWeightedFallingRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        case RandomGamma            :            $rVal = gammaWeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        case RandomGammaQaD         :            $rVal = QaDgammaWeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        case RandomLogarithmic10    :            $rVal = logarithmic10WeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        case RandomLogarithmic      :            $rVal = logarithmicWeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        case RandomPoisson          :            $rVal = poissonWeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        case RandomDome             :            $rVal = domeWeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        case RandomSaw              :            $rVal = sawWeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        case RandomPyramid          :            $rVal = pyramidWeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        case RandomLinear           :            $rVal = linearWeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;        default                     :            $rVal = nonWeightedRandom( $LowValue, $maxRand ) ;            break ;    }    return $rVal;}?>

The easiest (but not very efficient) way to generate random numbers that follow a given distribution is a technique called Von Neumann Rejection.

The simple explination of the technique is this. Create a box that completely encloses your distribution. (lets call your distribution f) Then pick a random point (x,y) in the box. If y < f(x), then use x as a random number. If y > f(x), then discard both x and y and pick another point. Continue until you have a sufficient amount of values to use. The values of x that you don't reject will be distributed according to f.