Get PHP Opcodes Dynamically at Runtime Get PHP Opcodes Dynamically at Runtime php php

Get PHP Opcodes Dynamically at Runtime

You could use parsekit which is available through pecl which can be downloaded from the pecl website or installed with:

sudo pecl install parsekit

Get OPcodes from a string of PHP code during runtime:

You could use the parsekit_compile_string

The syntax for this command is:

array parsekit_compile_string ( string $phpcode [, array &$errors [, int $options = PARSEKIT_QUIET ]] )



A string containing phpcode. Similar to the argument to eval().


A 2D hash of errors (including fatal errors) encountered during compilation. Returned by reference.


One of either PARSEKIT_QUIET or PARSEKIT_SIMPLE. To produce varying degrees of verbosity in the returned output.

Return Values

Returns a complex multi-layer array structure as detailed below.

An example usage of this is:

<?php  $ops = parsekit_compile_string('echo "Foo\n";', $errors, PARSEKIT_QUIET);  var_dump($ops);?>

The output is too long to include in this answer but is available on the documentation page

Get OPcodes from a PHP file during runtime:

You could use the parsekit_compile_file

Very similar to the above approach but parses a file instead of a string.