get value of input element with "id" or "name" get value of input element with "id" or "name" php php

get value of input element with "id" or "name"

Following are my guidelines:

1) Whenever we post a form, only name will be considered for getting posted value. e.g.

<input type="text" name="fname" id="first_name"/>

Here we get $_POST['fname'] Not $_POST['first_name'];

2) Id and classes are there for CSS/JS purposes. Thus if you add whatever class/id attributes to the element,

Only name gets posted.

3) In the array $_POST, name is the key and value in it is a value.

Id and Classes are mainly for CSS or JavaScript purpose.Use name for getting the post values $_POST['firstname'].

<input name="firstname" type="text" id="first_name">

$_POST['firstname'] <> $_POST['first_name']

It takse name atribute, not the ID one.You have to use

$fname = $_POST['firstname'];