Good PHP Metric tools [closed] Good PHP Metric tools [closed] php php

Good PHP Metric tools [closed]

My company provides a variety of PHP tools for measuring software quality, both statically and dynamically.

The SD Source Code Search Engine is an interactive GUI that allows you to search across large bodies of source code (e.g., PHP and HTML) quickly and easily. It provides fast searches by indexing the source code base first.

As a side effect of the indexing process, it also produces metrics for the files it scans, including SLOC, Comments, Whitespace, Cyclomatic and Halstead measures.

The CloneDR is a tool that finds exact and near-miss duplicated code across large software systems. It has been used to find clones in PHP code.

The SD Test Coverage tool for PHP is a tool that determines what part of your PHP application has been executed for any reason, including executed because of testing. It provides coverage information in both report form and UI form overlayed over the source code.

EDIT 4/1/2011 (Seriously!)

The SD Profiler for PHP provides profiling capability to determine which part of your code is expensive. We offer both counting profilers that provide execution counts for individual statements, and timing profiles, that provide time costs of individual function bodies and of call subtrees underneath a specific function, as well as call graph information.

Well, I'd mention PHPDepend, although it's more oriented into dependency analysis.

I came across this same issue several months ago and ended up writing my own. If you want to give it a try you can download it. It is written for python 3 but runs ok in python 2.x (some random brackets occur because of the changes in print).

I can't promise it is what you are looking for or if it will not crash. It is not the most user friendly script around either.