How can I put double quotes inside a string within an ajax JSON response from php? How can I put double quotes inside a string within an ajax JSON response from php? php php

How can I put double quotes inside a string within an ajax JSON response from php?

Just escape it with a backslash:

> JSON.stringify({"a": 5, "b": 'a "kitty" mighty odd'}){"a":5,"b":"a \"kitty\" mighty odd"}> JSON.parse('{"a":5,"b":"a \\"kitty\\" mighty odd"}')Object  a: 5  b: a "kitty" mighty odd  __proto__: Object

JSON parsers recognize \" inside double-quoted strings as a double quote. Note that in the second example, the double-backslash is needed because there's a Javascript parser pass, then another JSON parser pass.

use just json_encode (any PHP element ), it will automatically parses.

A little off-topic, you could use JavaScript/NodeJS on your server and use ES6 template literals (the backticks `` used around "Christian"), but 7 years later you probably already use NodeJS :)

var myJSON = {    "name": {        "first": `"Christian"`,        "last": "Broberg"    },    "age": 49,    "skills": [ "JavaScript", "React", "NodeJS" ],    "married": false,    "superpowers": null}