How can I put strings in an array, split by new line? How can I put strings in an array, split by new line? php php

How can I put strings in an array, split by new line?

I've always used this with great success:

$array = preg_split("/\r\n|\n|\r/", $string);

(updated with the final \r, thanks @LobsterMan)

You can use the explode function, using "\n" as separator:

$your_array = explode("\n", $your_string_from_db);

For instance, if you have this piece of code:

$str = "My text1\nMy text2\nMy text3";$arr = explode("\n", $str);var_dump($arr);

You'd get this output:

array  0 => string 'My text1' (length=8)  1 => string 'My text2' (length=8)  2 => string 'My text3' (length=8)

Note that you have to use a double-quoted string, so \n is actually interpreted as a line-break.
(See that manual page for more details.)

A line break is defined differently on different platforms, \r\n, \r or \n.

Using RegExp to split the string you can match all three with \R

So for your problem:

$array = preg_split ('/$\R?^/m', $string);

That would match line breaks on Windows, Mac and Linux!