How can I select rows in MySQL starting at a given row number? How can I select rows in MySQL starting at a given row number? php php

How can I select rows in MySQL starting at a given row number?

I recommend working by obtaining the first page using:

LIMIT 0, 10

then for the second page

LIMIT 10, 10


LIMIT 20, 10

for the third page, and so on.


From the MySQL 5.1 docs on SELECT syntax:

For compatibility with PostgreSQL, MySQL also supports the LIMIT row_count OFFSET offset syntax.

This question is old but i just want to add a code that is not hardcoded, the answer chaos gave means you'll have to hardcode your scripts(Select statement). you can achieve the same results by getting the file name and then select data from the database based on the current page, without hardcoding your select statement.first get the current page

$page = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);$page_counter = rtrim($page, ".php");//setting your limit$start = 0;$limit = 10;//if current page is not index.php then $start = ($limit * page_counter); // e.g if current page is 1.php then $start = ($limit * 1) = 10//if current page is 2.php then $start = ($limit * 2) = 20if ($page !== 'index.php') { $start = ($limit * $page_counter);}//getting row count$ROW_COUNT = $db->query('SELECT * from tableName')->rowCount();//getting number of rows left in the table$rows_left = ("SELECT * FROM tableName limit ?,?");$rows_left = $db->prepare($rows_left);$rows_left->execute(array($start,$ROW_COUNT));$rows = $rows_left->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);$number_rows = 0;foreach ($rows as $r) { $number_rows = $number_rows + 1; } //if number of rows left in the table is less than 10 then $limit = the number of rows left if ($number_rows < 10) { $limit = $number_rows; } //getting all rows            $getRows = "SELECT * FROM tableName limit ?,?";            $getRows = $db->prepare($getRows);            $getRows->execute(array($start , $limit));            $getRows = $getRows->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);