How can I use "Dependency Injection" in simple php functions, and should I bother? How can I use "Dependency Injection" in simple php functions, and should I bother? php php

How can I use "Dependency Injection" in simple php functions, and should I bother?

Dependency injection is a big word for "I have some more parameters in my constructor".

It's what you did before the awfull Singleton wave when you did not like globals :

<?phpclass User {    private $_db;    function __construct($db) {        $this->_db = $db;    }}$db   = new Db();$user = new User($db);

Now, the trick is to use a single class to manage your dependencies, something like that :

class DependencyContainer {    private _instances = array();    private _params = array();    public function __construct($params)    {        $this->_params = $params;    }    public function getDb()    {        if (empty($this->_instances['db'])             || !is_a($this->_instances['db'], 'PDO')        ) {            $this->_instances['db'] = new PDO(                $this->_params['dsn'],                $this->_params['dbUser'],                 $this->_params['dbPwd']            );        }        return $this->_instances['db'];    }}class User{    private $_db;    public function __construct(DependencyContainer $di)    {         $this->_db = $di->getDb();    }}$dependencies = new DependencyContainer($someParams);$user = new User($dependencies);

You must think you just another class and more complexity. But, your user class may need something to log messages like lot of other classes. Just add a getMessageHandler function to your dependency container, and some $this->_messages = $di->getMessageHandler() to your user class. Nothing to change in the rest of your code.

You'll get lot of infos on symfony's doc

Your first example IS dependancy injection, you are injecting the dependency on the database object into the function.

Sarah has said this isn't, but imo it is, I believe she is thinking of dependency injection containers which are the next level up:

None of your examples look like dependency injection, version one is the closest though. Dependency injection is a technique used in object oriented programming, where the constructor of an object has arguments for the service objects it needs, and those service objects are passed in by the creator of the instance (which could be a factory, a test, or a dependency injection framework).

To get around your 'always passing the connection object' problem you may want to consider the template pattern. The template pattern is basically an abstract base class with the common part of a repeated code block, and abstract methods to allow for the variation between the instances of those repeated code blocks. Basically the base is a template of a block of code, and the abstract methods are the blanks to be filled in. I personally use the template method pattern to do my database resource control in Java.