How do a read a xdebug profile in webgrind? How do a read a xdebug profile in webgrind? php php

How do a read a xdebug profile in webgrind?

The basic output lists all the different functions, methods, and included/required files.

  • Invocation Count: The number of times the function has been called

  • Total Self Cost: The total time it took to execute the raw php in this function (time taken to execute your other custom functions is excluded.)

  • Total Inclusive Cost: Total time, including any other functions called (PHP internal, or your functions)

  • What the different colours mean?

    • Blue are PHP internal functions
    • Green are your class methods
    • Orange are procedural functions
    • Grey is time taken to include, or require .php files.
  • What the coloured bar means? Graphical display of breakdown of time for each type as above.

  • For the last ones, I assume you've clicked the arrow to open a particular function?

    • Calls: The functions/methods called in executing this function

    • Total Call Cost: The total time executing this function, when called from the parent function

    • Count: Number of times the parent calls the child.