How do I deep copy a DateTime object? How do I deep copy a DateTime object? php php

How do I deep copy a DateTime object?

$date1 = new DateTime();$date2 = new DateTime();$date2->add(new DateInterval('P3Y'));


If you want to copy rather than reference an existing DT object, use clone, not =.

$a = clone $b;

Clone the date with the clone operator:

$date1 = new DateTime();$date2 = clone $date1;$date2->add(new DateInterval('P3Y'));

Clones are shallow by default, but deep enough for a DateTime. In your own objects, you can define the __clone() magic method to clone the properties (i.e. child objects) that make sense to be cloned when the parent object changes.

(I'm not sure why the documentation thinks a good example of needing to clone an object is GTK. Who uses GTK in PHP?)

PHP 5.5.0 introduced DateTimeImmutable. add and modify methods of this class return new objects.

$date1 = new DateTimeImmutable();$date2 = $date1->add(new DateInterval('P3Y'));