How do I get video durations with YouTube API version 3? How do I get video durations with YouTube API version 3? php php

How do I get video durations with YouTube API version 3?

You will have to make a call to the YouTube data API's video resource after you make the search call. You can put up to 50 video IDs in a search, so you won't have to call it for each element.

You'll want to set part=contentDetails, because the duration is there.

For example, the following call:{YOUR_API_KEY}

Gives this result:

{ "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", "etag": "\"XlbeM5oNbUofJuiuGi6IkumnZR8/ny1S4th-ku477VARrY_U4tIqcTw\"", "items": [  {   "id": "9bZkp7q19f0",   "kind": "youtube#video",   "etag": "\"XlbeM5oNbUofJuiuGi6IkumnZR8/HN8ILnw-DBXyCcTsc7JG0z51BGg\"",   "contentDetails": {    "duration": "PT4M13S",    "dimension": "2d",    "definition": "hd",    "caption": "false",    "licensedContent": true,    "regionRestriction": {     "blocked": [      "DE"     ]    }   }  } ]}

The time is formatted as an ISO 8601 string. PT stands for Time Duration, 4M is 4 minutes, and 13S is 13 seconds.

I got it!

$dur = file_get_contents("$vId&key=dldfsd981asGhkxHxFf6JqyNrTqIeJ9sjMKFcX4");$duration = json_decode($dur, true);foreach ($duration['items'] as $vidTime) {    $vTime= $vidTime['contentDetails']['duration'];}

There it returns the time for YouTube API version 3 (the key is made up by the way ;). I used $vId that I had gotten off of the returned list of the videos from the channel I am showing the videos from...

It works. Google REALLY needs to include the duration in the snippet so you can get it all with one call instead of two... it's on their 'wontfix' list.

I wrote the following class to get YouTube video duration using the YouTube API v3 (it returns thumbnails as well):

class Youtube{    static $api_key = '<API_KEY>';    static $api_base = '';    static $thumbnail_base = '';    // $vid - video id in youtube    // returns - video info    public static function getVideoInfo($vid)    {        $params = array(            'part' => 'contentDetails',            'id' => $vid,            'key' => self::$api_key,        );        $api_url = Youtube::$api_base . '?' . http_build_query($params);        $result = json_decode(@file_get_contents($api_url), true);        if(empty($result['items'][0]['contentDetails']))            return null;        $vinfo = $result['items'][0]['contentDetails'];        $interval = new DateInterval($vinfo['duration']);        $vinfo['duration_sec'] = $interval->h * 3600 + $interval->i * 60 + $interval->s;        $vinfo['thumbnail']['default']       = self::$thumbnail_base . $vid . '/default.jpg';        $vinfo['thumbnail']['mqDefault']     = self::$thumbnail_base . $vid . '/mqdefault.jpg';        $vinfo['thumbnail']['hqDefault']     = self::$thumbnail_base . $vid . '/hqdefault.jpg';        $vinfo['thumbnail']['sdDefault']     = self::$thumbnail_base . $vid . '/sddefault.jpg';        $vinfo['thumbnail']['maxresDefault'] = self::$thumbnail_base . $vid . '/maxresdefault.jpg';        return $vinfo;    }}

Please note that you'll need API_KEY to use the YouTube API:

  1. Create a new project here:
  2. Enable "YouTube Data API" under "APIs & auth" -> APIs
  3. Create a new server key under "APIs & auth" -> Credentials