How do I make global helper functions in laravel 5? How do I make global helper functions in laravel 5? php php

How do I make global helper functions in laravel 5?

Create a new file in your app/Helpers directory name it AnythingHelper.phpAn example of my helper is :

<?phpfunction getDomesticCities(){$result = \App\Package::where('type', '=', 'domestic')    ->groupBy('from_city')    ->get(['from_city']);return $result;}

generate a service provider for your helper by following command

php artisan make:provider HelperServiceProvider

in the register function of your newly generated HelperServiceProvider.php add following code

require_once app_path('Helpers/AnythingHelper.php');

now in your config/app.php load this service provider and you are done


An easy and efficient way of creating a global functions file is to autoload it directly from Composer. The autoload section of composer accepts a files array that is automatically loaded.

  1. Create a functions.php file wherever you like. In this example, we are going to create in inside app/Helpers.

  2. Add your functions, but do not add a class or namespace.

    <?phpfunction global_function_example($str){   return 'A Global Function with '. $str;}
  3. In composer.json inside the autoload section add the following line:

    "files": ["app/Helpers/functions.php"]

    Example for Laravel 5:

    "autoload": {    "classmap": [        "database"    ],    "psr-4": {        "App\\": "app/"    },    "files": ["app/Helpers/functions.php"] // <-- Add this line},
  4. Run composer dump-autoload

Done! You may now access global_function_example('hello world') form any part of your application including Blade views.

Laravel global helpers

Often you will find your self in need of a utility function that is access globally throughout you entire application. Borrowing from how laravel writes their default helpers you're able to extend the ability with your custom functions.

Create the helper file, not class

I prefer to you a file and not a class since I dont want to bother with namespaces and I want its functions to be accessible without the class prefixes like: greeting('Brian'); instead of Helper::greeting('Brian'); just like Laravel does with their helpers.

File: app/Support/helper.php

Register helper file with Composer: composer.json

{    ...    "autoload": {        "classmap": [            "database"        ],        "files": [            "app/Support/helpers.php"        ],        "psr-4": {            "App\\": "app/"        }    },    ...}

Create your first helper function

<?phpif (!function_exists('greet')) {    /**     * Greeting a person     *     * @param  string $person Name     * @return string     */    function greet($person)    {        return 'Hello ' . $person;    }}


Remember to autoload the file before trying to access its functions:composer dump-autoload

Let's test with Tinker

$ php artisan tinkerPsy Shell v0.8.17 (PHP 7.0.6 ΓÇö cli) by Justin Hileman>>> greet('Brian');=> "Hello Brian">>> exitExit:  Goodbye.

With Blade

<p>{{ greet('Brian') }}</p>

Advanced usage as Blade directive:

A times you will find yourself wanting to use a blade directive instead of a plain function.Register you Blade directive in the boot method of AppServiceProvider: app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

public function boot(){    // ...    Blade::directive('greet', function ($expression) {        return "<?php echo greet({$expression}); ?>";    });}


Note: you might need to clear cache viewsphp artisan view:clear