How to add private github repository as Composer dependency How to add private github repository as Composer dependency php php

How to add private github repository as Composer dependency

Work with private repositories at GitHub and BitBucket:


{    "require": {        "vendor/my-private-repo": "dev-master"    },    "repositories": [        {            "type": "vcs",            "url":  ""        }    ]}

The only requirement is the installation of SSH keys for a git client.


I hope my answer does not come too late as i just learned this my self.

Generating a ssh key

You can generate n+1 ssh keys with ssh-keygen command. Make sure you do this in the server!

➜  ~ cd ~/.ssh➜  .ssh ssh-keygenGenerating public/private rsa key pair.Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa): repo1Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in repo1.Your public key has been saved in key fingerprint is:SHA256:EPc79FoaidfN0/PAsjSAZdomex2J1b/4zUR6Oj7IV2o user@laptopThe key's randomart image is:+---[RSA 2048]----+|      . . o ..   ||       o B o ..  ||      . + B o  . ||       . * B = .o||        S B O B+o||         o B =.+*||          o....Bo||            o E.o||             +.o |+----[SHA256]-----+

After using the ssh-keygen command you will be prompted for the filename and passphrase. You need a key for each private repository you're going to use as composer dependency. In this example the repo1 is the filename.

Make sure you leave the passphrase and confirmation empty.

Configuring the ssh to pick up the correct key

In servers ~/.ssh/config file you can assign an alias for each GitHub repository. Otherwise composer tries to use the default id_rsa.

Host repo1HostName github.comUser gitIdentityFile ~/.ssh/repo1IdentitiesOnly yesHost repo2HostName github.comUser gitIdentityFile ~/.ssh/repo2IdentitiesOnly yes

Configuring Composer

In projects composer.json file you need to add the repositories you want as dependencies:

"repositories": [    {        "type": "vcs",        "url": "repo1:YourAccount/repo1.git"    },    {        "type": "vcs",        "url": "repo2:YourAccount/repo2.git"    }],

repo1 and repo2 are the aliases you created in ~/ssh/config file. The full GitHub ssh url for repo1 would be:

And now you should be set for good. You can now require your dependencies:

composer require youraccount/repo1 -n

composer require youraccount/repo2 -n

NB! When using GitHub repositories as composer dependencies you always need to add -n to each composer command.

1. Point to the Git repository

Update composer.json and add a repository:

    "repositories":[      {        "type": "vcs",        "url": ""      }    ]

2. Create an SSH key

Create an SSH Key on the machine on which you want to install the package.

If you are working on a development machine, you probably want to add the SSH key to your GitHub/BitBucket/GitLab account. This gives access to all private repositories that your account has access to.

For more information on how to add Github, Bitbucket or Gitlab SSH keys, see this excellent article

In case you are configuring a deployment server, it would be better to configure an access key or deploy key. An access key only provides access to a single repository and thus allows for more specific access management.

3. Run composer

Now just composer require or composer install the package as usual.