How to check if time is between two times in PHP [duplicate] How to check if time is between two times in PHP [duplicate] php php

How to check if time is between two times in PHP [duplicate]

$current_time = "4:59 pm";$sunrise = "5:42 am";$sunset = "6:26 pm";$date1 = DateTime::createFromFormat('h:i a', $current_time);$date2 = DateTime::createFromFormat('h:i a', $sunrise);$date3 = DateTime::createFromFormat('h:i a', $sunset);if ($date1 > $date2 && $date1 < $date3){   echo 'here';}

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i would recoment you to first "convert" the strings to integers using substr function and intval.

avter this step you should be able to simply compare the times.

( note that you should use 18:00 instead of 6:00 PM, this would be easyer to handl, therefor you could "detect" with substr if the time is AM or PM, and just add "12" to the number )

i'm pretty shure there are more elegant ways of doing this, but this should just give you an BASIC idea for a SIMPLE way for not advanced php developers.

hope it helps