How to check whether Suhosin is installed? How to check whether Suhosin is installed? php php

How to check whether Suhosin is installed?

To detect the Suhosin Extension use extension_loaded() no matter if it is dynamically loaded or statically compiled:


To detect the Suhosin-Patch, check for the constant presence:


simply write a php file in your document root like <?php phpinfo(); ?>it will print all the information related to php installation just find for the "suhosin" block in it is installed on your server you can find the block with all the values set for it.


PHP docs for extension_loaded.

If the extension doesn't load, it may still be available through dl:

if (!extension_loaded('suhosin')) {    if (!dl('')) {        // Extension not loaded.        return false;    }}// Extension loaded.return true;