How to convert MySQL time to UNIX timestamp using PHP? How to convert MySQL time to UNIX timestamp using PHP? php php

How to convert MySQL time to UNIX timestamp using PHP?

Use strtotime(..):

$timestamp = strtotime($mysqltime);echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp);

Also check this out (to do it in MySQL way.)

You can mysql's UNIX_TIMESTAMP function directly from your query, here is an example:

SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2007-11-30 10:30:19');

Similarly, you can pass in the date/datetime field:


From one of my other posts, getting a unixtimestamp:

$unixTimestamp = time();

Converting to mysql datetime format:

$mysqlTimestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $unixTimestamp);

Getting some mysql timestamp:

$mysqlTimestamp = '2013-01-10 12:13:37';

Converting it to a unixtimestamp:

$unixTimestamp = strtotime('2010-05-17 19:13:37');

...comparing it with one or a range of times, to see if the user entered a realistic time:

if($unixTimestamp > strtotime("1999-12-15") && $unixTimestamp < strtotime("2025-12-15")){...}

Unix timestamps are safer too. You can do the following to check if a url passed variable is valid, before checking (for example) the previous range check:
