How to create folder under Amazon S3 bucket through PHP SDK? How to create folder under Amazon S3 bucket through PHP SDK? php php

How to create folder under Amazon S3 bucket through PHP SDK?

Yes , it is possible to create new folder using s3 sdk.

try bellow code

<?php /* abc is the folder name */ $s3->putObject(array(                    'Bucket' => $bucket,                   'Key'    => "abc/",                   'Body'   => "",                   'ACL'    => 'public-read'                  ));

  1. The answer can be found here:Direct upload to s3 without the use of a production server

  2. I've never used the PHP SDK, but I was browsing through the AWS SDKfor PHP 1.5.14documentationand came across the following APIs that you will need to utilize:

    a) create_object : You'll use this to put a object into a bucket. You'll specify the filename. You asked how you can create different folders: you will include the full path into the filename. For instance instead of naming the file "photo1.jpg", you would name it "user1/vacation/photo1.jpg".

    b) get_object_list : This API will return to you a list of objects given some criteria. If you want to read all the objects from a particular folder, specify the prefix as the path to the folder. For instance, if I want to find all files in the folder "user1/vacation/", I would specify my prefix to be "user1/vacation/".