How to differentiate between Symfony user roles/groups in chat How to differentiate between Symfony user roles/groups in chat php php

How to differentiate between Symfony user roles/groups in chat

I usually create a SecurityAccessManager service to check user's roles with voters calls (I can provide an exemple if needed) to check specific rights like "is this user can update this specific post?"


company.navigation.security_access:    class: Company\NavigationBundle\Services\SecurityAccessManager    arguments:         - @security.authorization_checker                    - @security.token_storage

Service code

namespace Company\NavigationBundle\Services;use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationCheckerInterface;use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage;use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AccessDeniedException;class SecurityAccessManager{    private $authorizationChecker;    private $tokenStorage;    private $debug;    public function __construct(            AuthorizationCheckerInterface $authorizationChecker,            TokenStorage $tokenStorage)    {              $this->authorizationChecker = $authorizationChecker;        $this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage;           $this->debug = true;    }    // *************************************************************************    // User    // *************************************************************************    public function getUser()    {        return $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser();            }    public function getUserId()    {        return $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser()->getId();            }    public function isAuthenticatedUser()    {           return $this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED');    }         // *************************************************************************    // Roles checker    // *************************************************************************    public function isAdmin()    {        if($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN') !== true) {            return false;        } else {            return true;                   }    }        public function checkRightAdmin()    {        if($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN') !== true) {            throw new AccessDeniedException('Unauthorised access! '.($this->debug ? __FUNCTION__ : null));        }        return true;               }       public function checkUserHasRightToEditPost($postId)    {        // Check if user has right to modify the post        if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted('is_user_has_right_to_edit_post', $postId) === false) {            throw new AccessDeniedException('Unauthorised access! '.($this->debug ? __FUNCTION__ : null));        }        return true;    }  }

Then, in your controllers actions, you can check the user's rights

namespace Company\YourBundle\Controller;use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;class YourBunbleController extends Controller{       /**     * Get the service     * @return \Company\NavigationBundle\Services\SecurityAccessManager     */    private function getService()    {                return $this->get('company.navigation.security_access');    }      public function updatePostAction(Request $request, $postId)    {           // Throw 403 if user has no admin rights        $this->getService()->checkRightAdmin();        // Throw 403 if user has no rights to update the post        $this->getService()->checkUserHasRightToEditPost();        //OK, you can update database        ...    }}

I had an idea of simply encrypting and sending the user's data to the node server, then decrypt it there. Only the two servers know the private keys, so even if a client gets its hands on the encrypted data, he can't make a request with it for another client.

That's the basic idea.

How I would do it?I would use something like JWT to just send the userId to the node application. Doesn't have to be encrypted, because I only care about the jwt signature to make sure the request was indeed issued by the real user.

After that, using the userId I would make a server side call to the php application to check the roles of the user.

To elaborate:

  • The node app and the php app will use a shared secret to sign the JWT token.
  • The PHP application will expose the generated token to the frontend.
  • The client will send the token as part of the authentication to the node app.

How to handle banning

  • keep a list of opened sockets with their user id
  • create a webservice endpoint in the nodejs application which can hanlde the "ban" requests from the php application.
  • when such a request is received by the nodejs application, lookup the socket based on the userid and close the connection.