How to disable cookies in Laravel 5? How to disable cookies in Laravel 5? php php

How to disable cookies in Laravel 5?

Simply comment out the lines in app\Http\Kernel.php which related to cookies and sessions. The following ones which I found;


Hope it helps.

As of 5.7.0 the XSRF-TOKEN cookie is now optional. In order to disable it you just need to set the following in your /app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php file.

protected $addHttpCookie = false;

I've just tested this in Laravel 6.0.
To have CSRF middleware running, and Laravel adding no cookies you need to disable (comment out) the following middleware:


This will prevent Laravel from adding the laravel_session cookie.

To disable adding XSRF-TOKEN cookie, open up \App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken::class middleware and set $addHttpCookie property to false