How to display two table columns per row in php loop How to display two table columns per row in php loop php php

How to display two table columns per row in php loop

You can use array_chunk() to split an array of data into smaller arrays, in this case of length 2, for each row.

<table><?php foreach (array_chunk($values, 2) as $row) { ?>    <tr>    <?php foreach ($row as $value) { ?>        <td><?php echo htmlentities($value); ?></td>    <?php } ?>    </tr><?php } ?></table>

Note that if you have an odd number of values, this will leave a final row with only one cell. If you want to add an empty cell if necessary, you could check the length of $row within the outer foreach.

$i=0;foreach ($x as $key=>$value)  {  if (fmod($i,2)) echo '<tr>';  echo '<td>',$value,'</td>';  if (fmod($i,2)) echo '</tr>';  $i++;  }

this will output TR (row) each second time

ps: i haven't tested the code, so maybe you will need to add ! sign before fmod, if it doesn't output TR on first iteration, but on second iteration in the beginning...

This would give you great table and for loop concept--

<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><?php     for($x=1; $x<=20; $x++)        {         echo "<tr>";        for($y=1; $y<=20; $y++)           {          echo "<td>";          echo $x*$y;          echo "</td>";            }         echo "</tr>";        }?></table>