How to execute a PHP web page without the .php extension in the URL? How to execute a PHP web page without the .php extension in the URL? php php

How to execute a PHP web page without the .php extension in the URL?

Create .htaccess file in your web root and enter following there:

Options +FollowSymLinksRewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^product/([0-9]+)$ product.php?id=$1

Instead of using mod_rewrite you can also use following in your .htaccess:

 DefaultType application/x-httpd-php 

And just name your script product on the server (without .php file extension).

So you can invoke it directly and would receive any appended string as $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]

If you don't want to use mod_rewrite (I didn't) and the other answers didn't seem to work for you (they didn't for me). Then you might try this is you're running on Apache 2.4+.

The more insecure version: make anything without an extension run as a PHP file (this isn't so bad if, like my implementation you only have a single file for the whole server, but would still leave you open to arbitrary execution if someone were able to write a file into that directory... then again, if they can write a file, they could give it a PHP extension, so not really sure if this truly broadens your exposure.)

<FilesMatch "^[^.]+$">    ForceType application/x-httpd-php</FilesMatch>

Put this in either an .htaccess file for your directory (assuming you have those enabled) or put it directly in the piece in your host definition.

If you want to make it more specific (and maybe more secure) you can just replace the regex with something more concrete:

<FilesMatch "^MySingleFileWithNoExension$">    ForceType application/x-httpd-php</FilesMatch>

Edit: You do not need regex if you want to target only one file. Use this instead

<Files "MySingleFileWithNoExension">    ForceType application/x-httpd-php</Files>

Then just restart Apache and you're good to go!