How to execute choice of test cases from multiple test cases How to execute choice of test cases from multiple test cases php php

How to execute choice of test cases from multiple test cases

You may run single test cases or single test classes from your suites using the --filter cli option:

--filter <pattern>        Filter which tests to run.

--filter runs tests whose name matches the given pattern. The pattern can be either the name of a single test or a regular expression that matches multiple test names.


Take the following example test class BlaTest containing test cases testSame and testElse in file BlaTest.php:

// BlaTest.php<?phpclass BlaTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {    public function testSame() { $this->assertSame(1,1); }    public function testElse() { $this->assertSame(1,1); }}

Running all test cases within BlaTest

This filter matches the test class name.

$ phpunit --filter BlaTest

Running a single test case within BlaTest

This filter matches the test case name, then indicates to run this filter across file BlaTest.php.

$ phpunit --filter testSame BlaTest.php

--filter option accepts regular expression as its value (I'm using phpunit 3.7). This lets you specify the tests which will be excluded by using assertion like following: --filter='/::((?!test(Else|Same))\w+)/'

If you prefer to filter code-wise you could mark the test to be skipped within the setUp()-method [1] by checking which test is about to be run using $this->getName(). That way these tests will show up as being skipped.

An example:

class FooTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {  public function setUp() {    if( 'testIwantToSkip' === $this->getName() ) {      $this->markTestSkipped( 'Test skipped!' );    }  }  ...}
