How to get PUT/DELETE arguments in PHP How to get PUT/DELETE arguments in PHP php php

How to get PUT/DELETE arguments in PHP

Can you try this, PHP doesn't have a built-in way to do this, can be read from the incoming stream to PHP, php://input.



  if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') {    echo "this is a get request\n";    echo $_GET['fruit']." is the fruit\n";    echo "I want ".$_GET['quantity']." of them\n\n";} elseif($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'PUT') {    echo "this is a put request\n";    parse_str(file_get_contents("php://input"),$post_vars);    echo $post_vars['fruit']." is the fruit\n";    echo "I want ".$post_vars['quantity']." of them\n\n";}


Unfortunately php does not handle put or delete requests by default. I have created a library in order to handle this kind of requests. It also handles multipart requests (PUT PATCH DELETE etc)

You can find it here