How to get the progress status of the copy function in PHP? How to get the progress status of the copy function in PHP? php php

How to get the progress status of the copy function in PHP?

You'll need to write your own copy function. First check the file size through a HTTP HEAD request, for example with this solution:

Then do this to fetch the file:

$remote = fopen('remote-file', 'r');$local = fopen('local-file', 'w');$read_bytes = 0;while(!feof($remote)) {  $buffer = fread($remote, 2048);  fwrite($local, $buffer);  $read_bytes += 2048;  //Use $filesize as calculated earlier to get the progress percentage  $progress = min(100, 100 * $read_bytes / $filesize);  //you'll need some way to send $progress to the browser.  //maybe save it to a file and then let an Ajax call check it?}fclose($remote);fclose($local);

You can't get a progress bar for a copy() call to my knowledge.