How to install FFMpeg in WampServer 2.0 (Windows XP) [closed] How to install FFMpeg in WampServer 2.0 (Windows XP) [closed] php php

How to install FFMpeg in WampServer 2.0 (Windows XP) [closed]

add this line to your php.ini file


  1. unpack
  2. Copying php_ffmpeg.dll to the \wamp\php4\extension\ (for php5 it's\wamp\bin\php\ext)
  3. Copying avcodec.dll & avformat.dll and any other in package to the \windows\system32\
  4. Editing \wamp\apache\apache2.xx\bin\php.ini - adding line extension=php_ffmpeg.dll
  5. Restarting Apache.

  1. Download ffmpeg_new
  2. Copy php_ffmpeg.dll from the php5 folder to the wamp/php/ext folder
  3. Copy files from common to the windows/system32 folder