How to install PHP Opcache on MacOS High Sierra? How to install PHP Opcache on MacOS High Sierra? php php

How to install PHP Opcache on MacOS High Sierra?

For me it worked by these steps:

  1. Search extension_dir in "phpinfo()" page, I got a path /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20160303
  2. By execute ls -lh /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20160303, I found "" , I guess it's installed when upgraded to "High Sierra"
  3. Create "/etc/php.ini" (by copy "/etc/php.ini.default"), and modify:
[opcache]zend_extension = opcache.soopcache.enable = 1
  1. Restart apache, module "opcache" is enabled


Since "opcache extension" is installed on Mac OS High Sierra by default, the solution of enabling opcahe on Mac OS High Sierra is:

  • Create "/etc/php.ini" if you don't have one, by simply copy the default configuration: sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini
  • Add zend_extension = to /etc/php.ini and set "opcache" enable:

php.ini opcache section looks like:

[opcache]zend_extension = opcache.soopcache.enable = 1